Online Education

Online or distance education provides students with the opportunity to take the same classes offered on campus through different delivery methods such as fully online synchronous and asynchronous classes, or hybrid and blended classes (learn more)Currently enrolled Mason students can take online courses with no separate application process. Registration and financial aid work in the same way for online and face-to-face courses. Please note however that some online graduate programs require admission into the program to take classes

Many fully online courses may be completed at home, while stationed abroad, or when traveling. For students who work, intern, commute, or even live on campus, online courses offer an active and collaborative learning environment while allowing for greater scheduling flexibility. 

Online Courses

Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate courses are offered online each semester, including summer. Course interactions can take place synchronously (same time, different locations) or asynchronously (different times, different locations).

Mason Core: For undergraduate students, Mason offers online course options for most Mason Core requirements [excluding ENGH 100 Composition for Multilingual Writers (Mason Core) and certain Synthesis/Capstone courses]. Offerings vary by semester. Contact your advisor each semester to plan your course schedule.

For a full list of online courses, see the website.

Online Programs

Mason currently offers many fully online and hybrid programs, including bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, graduate and undergraduate certificates, and minors.

For a full list of online programs, visit the website.